In Chinese medicine, Yin and Yang are divided into 5 stages, based on the theory that nothing is static but all is in a continuous state of change.
These stages are called 5 Transformations.
These are associated with an element each, intended in term of energy. Everyone is also linked to specific foods, flavors, colors, organs, emotions, seasons and times of the day.
In macrobiotic know the transformations make able to compose what I call the Perfect Dish, which is the meal that contains all the 5. It will be balanced in terms of nutrient and energy and will make us feel more satisfied. Is also very nice to see!
The five elements are related in a cyclic clockwise rotation called creative circle where each state evolve creating the next, and, a direct way thought the transformations check/control between each others.
The Five Transformations help us to plan our plate even among the different seasons, suggesting also the taste and colors of ingredients. Fire (red, bitter) for late spring, Soil or Earth (yellow, sweet) for summer, Metal (white, pungent) for autumn, Water ( black, salty) for winter, Tree (green, acid) for very late winter and spring begin.
Finally, the 5 Transformations are related to the energy of our organs and at different time of the day. During these hours or during the season corresponding to each transformation and through the connected food, you can redress the balance in the energy of your body.
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